Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sipsorcery also can let you have a SIP to your google voice (GV)by using IPKALL

Here we talk about how to add your sipsorcery SIP to your google voice to make outgoing call and receive incoming calls on your sip clients or voip device or voip phone.

1. Register a IPKALL account and get a virtual USA number, IPKALL offers a free USA virtual phone number routed to SIP.

2. Get a free Sipsorcery account, and your SIP of sipcorcery is:
username: your registered  username
password: your registered password
sip server: sipsorcery.com

3. Login to your IPKALL and route your IPKALL to sipsorcery's SIP account by adding sipsorcery's SIP to your IPKALL. 

4. Register your sipsorcery's SIP to sip clients such as eyebeam

5. Call your IPKALL number, your eyebeam will ring

6. Then add your IPKALL number to your GV phones, and verify it on eyebeam

7. Now time to set up on sipsorcery, click here to set up your GV to sipsorcery
(if you don't have silverlight, install one first before setting up)
If it doesn't work well, the step 6 from "click here to set up your GV to sipsorcery" can be replaced by the following code, please replace the wordings in red with your own info:

case req.URI.User

when /^001(.*)$/ then sys.GoogleVoiceCall("your gamil","your gamail password","your ipkall number", $1,".*",1)
if sys.in then
sys.dial("your username of sipsorcery@")

8. Now call your GV or IPKALL number, your eyebeam will ring, use your eyebeam to call out USA/CA (ie: 001-800-373-3411) now. 

more code of dial plan click here

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