Tuesday, November 15, 2011

doddlephone adds a free web phone to your page

If you want to add a web phone to your own page, here doddlephone can help you, all you need is to have a sip account that can make or receive calls.  

Here is how: 

<iframe src="http://widget.doddlephone.com/embed/webphone.jsp?sipserver=your sip server here&username=your username here&password=your password here&auto=yes" 
    frameborder="0"  width="550" height="398"  scrolling="no" ></iframe>

1. replace the above wordings in red with your sip account info, for example:
sipserver: sip2sip.info
username: yesfreecallyes
password is: 888888

then the code should be:

<iframe  src="http://widget.doddlephone.com/embed/webphone.jsp?sipserver=sip2sip.info&username=yesfreecallyes&password=888888&auto=yes" 
    frameborder="0"  width="550" height="398"  scrolling="no" ></iframe>

No sip account? you can have one at sip2sip to call another sip 
go to our S-sip call PSTN page to have one sip account for outgoing calls to PSTN (phone numbers)

2. Copy the code in your page after the <body>, and you will see the phone as below after auto login:

Don't have a web site? Don't worry, you can use it on your computer:
1. Open your "notebook" at your computer;
2. Just copy the code there;
3. Before save it, choose "all files", and give it a name with the ending of ".html", then click save;
4. double click the html file you've just saved, and the phone will open in the web browser automatically. 
5. Please allow to run Java so as to load the web phone


More info please refer to doddlephone

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