Sunday, October 9, 2011

Toll-free conference call-Confcall

If you want more people chat in the same time on phone, such as your parents, your brothers or sisters and you, then the Confcall is just perfect for your need.

Confcall Offers Toll-free conference call

in 25 Countries when dial its toll-free number.

plus one Middle-east access number and one worldwide conference number

Here is the steps for use:

1. Choose the Toll-free conference access number from here
    such as an USA number 1-877-531 37 45

2. Choose your conference pin, it can be any 6 digits number such as 888888

3. Tell the conference access number 1-877-531 37 45 and the conference pin 888888 to the ones you want all to join the conference and tell them the time to join such as at 11:00 am in advanced.

4. At 11:00 am, all of you should dial the conference access number 1-877-531 37 45 then enter the pin 888888 when prompt. 
When there is another enter you can start talking however long you want.

Have Fun.

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