Wednesday, October 26, 2011


If you like listening radio or podcast, here is the great idea for you to listen it by calling toll-free or USA number or the sip ( Guess what will be like if you listening CNN headline by calling, very convenient. And guess what will be like if you listening music by calling....much fun...That's all can do in Podlinez, no sign up needed, just find the Podcast
you like in their page and you can enjoy it. 

As you know, google voice can make unlimited free call to any USA numbers. 

Don't have any free call to USA? 
Don't worry, some free sip account such as,, or and make free sip calls.

Don't have any sip account or free cal to USA?
don't worry, you can use our free web phone here to call the USA number free by click here

Want to use your Skype for free call to listening podcasts? Yes, we got a solution for you, click here Teleku will help you out. 

It is also good for learning English...yeah!

Here I list a few podcast that you may like: 
1. CNN headline: +1-415-376-7252 or
2. ESPN football today: +1-773-249-0729 or
3. CBC news world: +1-718-971-5936 or
4. Global News:  +1-650-644-1935  or

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